
Stress Management in Black and White

Stress Management in Black and White 4-16-93


Rocket ship sanity.
Lucidity on a string.
Cinnamon cappuccino sippings
entrap a waltzing instinct,
whereof my Barcoliner recliner.
Gazing from the corner of my eye,
it's Flash Gordon through the snow.
He's got his hands in his pockets
on his way to save the universe,
real casual like.
A skyward cloud jockey carousing
Oysters Rockefeller.
What's your silver lining and why?
Black coat, top hat and tie
or flannel boxers and pajama tops?
You believe mine is greener
than your side of the fence,
you forget,
there are no fences in the sky.
Stand and deliver,
you cannot fool your soul.
Hors D'oeuvres are served
from pole to pole.
Relax and save your universe.

Authors Note:
So what does cappuccino, pajamas, Oysters Rockefeller and Flash Gordon have to do with stress management? Sometimes it has everything to do with. There will always be things present in life that don’t make sense at that particular moment. Even though it may be true, it may not make sense. Under certain circumstances or from a different perspective it completely makes sense, but not from the present context.

The snow outside is coming down hard. I’m a bit stressed and I want to relax. I’m sitting in my recliner sipping some cappuccino and watching an old Flash Gordon movie. I get a kick out of the scenes with the toy rocket smoke bomb on a string. Unbelievable and ludicrous, but yet lucidity wins. I cheer him on even though I know he’s going to come out on top. Flash foils Ming’s threat to humanity with a casual urgency. He saved the Universe. So I get up and walk to the window with my hands in my pocket. Those few steps lasted longer than they actually took. Did I have too much cappuccino or was this moment surreal? The thing that was stressing me didn’t make enough sense to stress about anymore. My brain is my universe and I must defend it with the same casual urgency.

I was hungry and wanted something to snack on. The TV said something about Oysters Rockefeller. I have this ardent distaste for seafood so I made a box of Pizza Rolls. Oysters Rockefeller is not the Hors D'oeuvre in this piece. Oysters Rockefeller represents my Ming the Merciless. With a clear head and a proper perspective, it doesn’t matter what the Hors D’oeuvre is. Everything I need for the situation to harmony is right there in my universe. I just need to relax and fly that rocket ship.

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